We welcome UNL undergraduate students who are interested in bio-related scientific problem solving or/and computational tool development to join SBBI during any semesters or summers. You will be able to choose research topics in the following directions.
Track I: Bio-data Analysis and Tool Development
Before getting started, please do some research on your own about “ what are the Big Data in biology that torture traditional biologists the most in the lab? ”. Here are some keywords you might use for a Google search: “high-throughput data”, “genomics data”, “proteomics array/mass spectrum (MS) data”, “next-generation sequencing data”, “transcriptomics data”, “DNA/RNA/Chip-seq”…
Choose the most interesting or challenging one and we will explore explore the following:
What types of new discoveries we can make based on the data analysis?
How to design the analysis and develop the analytical pipelines?
Track II: Biomedical Informatics
Stretch your imagination about what types of health related problems can be addressed merely through data analysis, pattern recognition, and computational modeling. You may get some hints from the figure below:

Another slight stretch: in order to solve these problems computationally, what types of techniques you will need? Hints: pattern recognition, evolution modeling, flux analysis, causality analysis, ...
Track III: Data Mining and Statistical Learning Tool Development
For students who are interests in developing new algorithms and softwares that serve specific analytical purposes in pattern recognition (clustering, classification, feature selection, ranking aggregation) and networks ( statisitcal and constrain-based modeling for network constrcution and simulation).
Track IV: Databases and Apps development:
Development of bioinforamtics databases, web services, apps. Examples may include Dietary MicroRNA Database (DMD), iNET (a personalized social network), SNPquery (a medical information query system), and Qfree (a route-planning system).