Lab News
- [Oct 2024] Dr. Cui presented at the session on AI Applications in Education and Outreach in EPSCoR Jurisdictions at the 28th EPSCoR National Conference.
- [Oct 2024] Dr. Cui was elected as Faculty Secretary of the College of Engineering.
- [Sep 2024] A warm welcome to our two exchange undergraduate students, Mahmoud Gamal and Hany El Sayed Moghera, from Egypt joining the SBBI lab for research.
- [Aug 2024] Successful hosting of the UNL Research Syposium and Workshop on Integrative Omics and Maching Learning. Thank you everyone for your support.
- [Aug 2024] Congratulations to Dr. Sasan Azizian on his graduation!
- [Jun 2024] Dr. Cui gave a research talk at the Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy.
- [May 2024] Dr. Cui was honored as a highly ranked scholar by scholarGPS.
- [May 2024] A paper was accepted for publication in BMC Microbiology.
- [May 2024] Dr. Cui served on the Technical Program Committee for ACM-BCB 2024.
- [May 2024] Dr. Cui presented on “Advancing Cancer Diagnosis and Mechanistic Discovery through Machine Learning” at the ML/AI conference held at UNMC.
- [Apr 2024] Dr. Cui delivered an inspiring talk to high school students at the LPS Women’s Month of Celebration event.
- [Mar 2024] Dr. Cui was invited to join the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of MedAI 2024.
- [Mar 2024] Congratulations to Roland for his paper being accepted by the International Journal of Molecular Science!
- [Mar 2024] Dr. Cui was invited to join the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of IEEE BIBM 2024.
- [Jan 2024] Thanks to EPSCoR for funding our summer Bioinformatics workshop on microbiome and single cell omics analysis and machine learning. Please stay tuned for further announcement.
- [Jan 2024] Welcome Haolin, to officially join SBBI lab!
- [Dec 2023] Congrats, Sonal, for your paper being accepted by AJP.
- [Oct 2023] It was a great experience to participate in the Bioinformatics panel discussion at the MINK-WIC (Woman in Computing) conference in Kansas City.
- [Oct 2023] Congrats, Sasan, for presenting your work at The 15th annual RECOMB/ISCB Conference on Regulatory & Systems Genomics with DREAM Challenges.
- [Jul 2023] Roland has been selected to participate in the COE Graduate Student Teaching Fellow (GSTF) program. Congratulations!
- [May 2023] Cui has been invited to serve as a TPC memeber of IEEE MedAI 2023.
- [Apr 2023] Congrats, Debra and Jiang, for your paper being accepted at Front Nutr.
- [Mar 2023] Cui has been invited to serve as a TPC member of IEEE BIBM 2023.
- [May 2023] Thank you to everyone who has participated in The 17th IEEE International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT) in-person in Lincoln.
- [Oct 2022] Congrats, Roland, for your paper acceptance at IEEE BIBM 2022 and receiving the travel award.
- [Sep 2022] Congrats for passing your defense, Yingshan!
- [July 2022] Relocation of lab servers from Avery hall to ITS data center. Connection to exisitng web services and databases might be interrupted during this time.
- [July 2022] Congrats, Roland, for continuing your study at UNL. Welcome back!
- [May 2022] Thank you to everyone who has participated in The 16th IEEE International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT). See you all next year;
- [Jan 2022] Welcome Sasan and Yingshan!
- [Dec 2021] Congrats for passing your defense, Thuy!
- [Oct 2021] Dan's HBFP database paper is accepted. Congrats!
- [Aug 2021] Xinyi, we wish you a great start at Northeastern University!
- [Jul 2021] Dr. Zeynep Hakguder and Dr. Haluk Dogan, congratulations on your graduation!!
- [Jun 2021] New paper "Elucidation of Dynamic MicroRNA Regulations in Cancer Progression Using Integrative Machine Learning" has been accepted by Briefings in Bioinformatics.
- [Jun 2021] Dan's paper has been accepted by Bioinformatics. Congrats!
- [May 2021] We wish you a great start at UCSD, Yinchao and Sonal!
- [May 2021] Congrats for passing your defense, Roland!
- [Apri 2021] Sonal's paper has been accepted by Journal of Dairy Science. Congrats!
- [Jan 2021] Collaborative work with Dr. Yu's group has been published at J. Extracell. Vesicles.
- [Dec 2020] Congrats for passing your PhD defense, Dr. Sonal!
- [Nov 2020] Congrats on Yinchao's paper published at IEEE BIBM!
- [Oct 2020] Haluk's paper is accepted by BMC medical genomies. Congrats!
- [Sep 2020] Dr. Cui talks about our recent work at BME seminar series.
- [Aug 2020] Dr. Cui becomes a new associate editor of journal Cancer Medicine.
- [Jun 2020] Accepted chapter co-authored by Adam and Juan in the book of Comprehensive Foodomics, Elsevier.
- [May 2020] We recived a new pilot award from the NIH-funded IDeA CTR program.
- [Mar 2020] Dan's work is published by Briefs in Bioinformatics.
- [Nov 2019] Cui, Haluk and Zeynap organized a workshop on “Expository Representation Learning of Biomedical Data” at IEEE BIBM 2019.
- [Oct 2019] Huaqing's paper is accepted by IEEE BIBM (acceptance rate: 18.5%)
- [Jul 2019] Congrats on Huaqing's MS graduation!
- [Jun 2019] Our paper "Circulating microRNA trafficking and regulation: computational principles and practice" has been accepted by Briefings in Bioinformatics.
- [Jun 2019] Congrats on Guoku's paper pubilished at the Neurobiology of Aging.
- [Apr 2019] Chris received the UCARE funding award for summer research. Congrats!
- [Mar 2019] New Layman grant funds our cancer genome evolution project.
- [Mar 2019] "Unraveling exosome-enabled cancer signaling: An integrated genomic approach" presented at the American Association of Cancer Research (AACR).
- [Feb 2019] Cui, Haluk and Zeynep organized a workshop on Machine Learning Theory and Applications at UNMC.
- [Jan 2019] New collaborative project is funded by Purina Mills.
- [Dec 2019] Congrats on Kan Liu's MS graduation!
- [Oct 2018] Dr. Cui talked about Computational challenges and solutions related to microRNA at the seminar series at UNL Statistics department.
- [Sep 2018] Zeynep's paper "Genome-Scale MicroRNA Target Prediction through Clustering with Dirichlet Process Mixture Model" is published at BMC Genomics. Cheers!
- [Aug 2018] Congratulations, Dr. Shu!! The 1st PhD from SBBI Lab. ~
- [Apr 2018] Jiang recieved the CSE Outstanding Graduate Student Research 2017-2018 Award. Big congratulations!!
- [Apr 2018] Dr. Cui gave a talk on "Multi-omics Integration Towards Understanding Non-coding RNA Regulation in Human Disease" at the Third Annual Midwest Bioinformatics Conference 2018, Columbia, MO.
- [Apr 2018] Jiang won a NSF Travel Award from the conference on Predictive Inference and Its Applications, and a Young Investigator Grant from the first Midwest Statistical Machine Learning Colloquium. He will present his work at both conferences at Iowa State University in May.
- [Apr 2018] Bruno, Milad and Megan's paper "A Mobile-Based Diet Monitoring System For Obesity Management" has been accepted by Journal of Health & Medical Informatics.
- [Feb 2018] Tian and Jiang's paper "A Systematic Approach to RNA-Associated Motif Discovery" has been accepted by BMC Genomics.
- [Feb 2018] Dr. Cui has been invited as section editor for the book project (Major Reference Work on “Comprehensive Foodomics”) to be published by Elsevier.
- [Dec 2017] Milad graduated with a MS degree. We will miss you, Milad ~~
- [Nov 2017] Zeynep, Jiang, and Aditya presented at the IEEE BIBM conference, Kansas
- [Sep 2017] Zeynep's paper "A New Statistical Model for Genome-Scale MicroRNA Target Prediction" has been accepted by IEEE BIBM 2017.
- [Sep 2017] Jiang's paper "Dynamic and Modularized MicroRNA Regulation and Its Implication in Human Cancers" has been accepted by Scientific Reports.
- [Jul 2017] Bruno's paper "A Survey on Automated Food Monitoring and Dietary Management Systems" has been accepted by Journal of Health & Medical Informatics.
- [Jun 2017] Two book chapters have been accepted, to be included in Cancer and Noncoding RNAs and The Handbook of Nutrition, Diet and Epigenetics.
- [Mar 2017] Nebraska Today news on our research - Nebraska tool boosts gene analysis
- [Mar 2017] Jiang spoke about his experience with the Open Science Grid (OSG) "A Large-Scale Metagenomic Analysis Using OSG" at All Hands Meeting of the OSG hosted by the San Diego Supercomputer Center, La Jolla, CA.

- [Mar 2017] The SBBI group presented two posters at the NPOD Spring retreat and syposium

- [Jan 2017] Paper "Aberrant Expression of microRNA induced by high fructose diet impairs hepatic energy metabolic signaling" has been accepted by Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.
- [Jan 2017] Paper "Nutrition, microRNAs and human health" has been accepted by Advances in Nutrition.
- [Nov 2016] Jaycee graduated with a MS degree. We will miss you, Jaycee ~~
- [Nov 2016] Hanyuan and Bruno's paper has been accepted by Briefings in Bioinformatics (The 2nd ranked journal in the Mathematical & Computational Biology. IF:8.3)
- [Oct 2016] Jaycee's paper has been accepted at the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) 2016.
- [Sep 2016] Jiang presented his work at the 2nd Annal Symposium of Nebraska Center for the Prevention of Obesity Diseases (NPOD) and received the "Best Poster Presentation Award".
- [Aug 2016] Tian Gao joined SBBI as the 5th Ph.D. student. Welcome Tian!
- [Jul 2016] Milad Rad joined SBBI as the 3rd Master student. Welcome Milad!
- [Jul 2016] Jiang presented our work on "Dynamic and modularized microRNA regulation and its implication in human cancers" at the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) 2016 , Orlando, Florida.
- [Jul 2016] Jiang is invited to attend the Open Science Grid User School 2016 and received the scholarship.
- [Jul 2016] Team earns a new grant from NIH and USDA!
- [Jun 2016] Welcome our summer interns: Ashley Francisco (Senior, Lincoln East High School), Kaiyue Pan (undergraduate student from McGill University), Rodrigo Echegorri (exchange undergraduate student from Brazil), and Bicheng Wang (undergraduate student in the Dept. of Mathematics)!
- [Apr 2016] Jiang and Bruno presented their project posters at the NPOD Spring Retreat.
- [Apr 2016] Our group has received the layman award from UNL ORED.
- [Apr 2016] Our group has received the team strengthening seed grant award from the "Food for Health Initiative" supported by ORED
- [Apr 2016] Dr. Cui was invitated to talk on "Bioinformatics tools and databases for the analysis of nutrition, microRNA, and human health" at the Experimental Biology (EB) conference 2016, San Diego, CA
- [Mar 2016] Two SBBI servers have been renamed to falcon (computing) and panda (storage).
- [Feb 2016] Dr. Cui was invited to talk on "MicroRNA regulation in obesity and cancer" in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC).
- [Jan 2016] Chunxiao Liao and Bruno Vieira joined SBBI as the 3rd and 4th Ph.D. students. Welcome Bruno and Chunxiao!
- [Nov 2015] Jiang presented his paper at the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), Washington, D.C., 2015
- [Sep 2015] Jiang's paper has been accepted by PLoS ONE.
- [Sep 2015] Jiang presented his work at the 1st Annal Symposium of Nebraska Center for the Prevention of Obesity Diseases (NPOD) and received the "Best Poster Presentation Award".
- [Sep 2015] Jiang's paper has been accepted at the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) 2015.
- [Aug 2015] Xiaoxue Wen joined SBBI for undergraduate research. Welcome Xiaoxue!
- [Aug 2015] Hanyuan Zhang joined SBBI as our 2nd Ph.D. student. Welcome Hanyuan!
- [Jul 2015] Dr. Cui was invited to speak at the Interantional Workshop on Cancer System Biology (ICSB) 2015 in Jilin, China
- [Jun 2015] Dr. Cui was invited to serve on the TCP for The ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (ACM-BCB) 2015.
- [Jun 2016] Welcome Lindsay Perez (Senior, Lincoln East Highschool) for as our summer intern!
- [Jun 2015] Kevin Chiang accepted a job offer from Tesla as a data engineer. Congratulations, Kevin!!
- [May 2015] Jaycee Han joined our group as a Master student. Welcome Jaycee!
- [May 2015] Kaiyue Pan from School of Engineering at Mcgill University joined our group as the first visiting student. Welcome Kaiyue!
- [Apr 2015] The Dietary MicroRNA Database paper has been accepted for publicaton in PLoS ONE. Congratulations, Kevin!
- [Apr 2015] Jiang presented his work on "Computational characterization of microRNA-mediated association between Obesity and Cancer" at AACR Annual Meeting 2015, Pheladelphia, Pennsylvania.
- [Apr 2015] Dr. Dongyu Zhao from the Chinese Academy of Sciences joined our group as the first post-doc. Welcome Dongyu!
- [Mar 2015] Dr. Cui co-hosted the 1st NPOD annual retreat on “Translating Big Data into Human Health through MicroRNA Biology” funded by ORED BIG IDEA planning grant, UNL
- [Feb 2015] Drs. Leen Kiat, Miller and Cui organized three workshops entitiled “CS4Everyone: Computer Science is for Everyone ” as part of the Nebraska Women in Science Conference. Thanks to Jiang, Chunxiao, Natasha and Doug for your assistance during the event!
- [Nov 2014] Dr. Cui gave an invitated talk on cancer informatics in the Department of Biomedical Sciences , Creighton University School of Medicine
- [Oct 2014] Dr. Cui has been selected as a Fellow of the Research Development Fellows Program (RDFP) by UNL Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED)
- [Oct 2014] Drs. Sarma and Cui led the UNL BRAID group participating Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing which is presented by the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology and the Association for Computing Machinery.
- [Oct 2014] Our cancer genome paper "Comprehensive Characterization of Genomic Alterations in Human Gastric Cancer" was accepted by the International Journal of Cancer.
- [Oct 2014] Colabborative work “Bovine microRNAs are bioavailable and affect gene expression in humans and mice” was presented in American Society for Cell Biology, Philadelphia, PA
- [Sep 2014] The book "Cancer Bioinformatics", co-authored by Dr. Cui is published by Springer.

- [Sep 2014] Dr. Cui joined the editorial board of Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.
- [Sep 2014] The CSE report on “Summer Bioinformatics Workshop Proves to be a Success”.
- [Sep 2014] Jonathan Sherman joined our lab as a undergraduate research assistant and a prospective Master student. Welcome Jon!
- [Aug 2014] News about the NIH- funded COBRE center on obesity prevention “$11.3 million NIH grant funds obesity research center”
- [Aug 2014] Our group has received our first NIH grant on “Bioinformatics-guided discovery of dietary microRNA signals in obesity” (Direct cost: $450,000, 08/01/2014-07/31/2017)
- [Aug 2014]Dr. Cui joined the management team of Nebraska Gateway to Nutrigenomics (NGN)
- [Jul 2014] Our group has organized the "Bioinformatics workshop on Microarray and NGS data analysis" on 28-10 July, funded by Nebraska EPSCoR
- [Apr 2014] Jiang Shu presented his work on “Dynamic microRNA regulation in human gene network” at the NGN retreat 2014 and received the "Best Poster Presentation Award"
- [Apr 2014] Dr. Cui recived the travel award and attended the International Workshop on Engineered Crops, Des Moines, IA.
- [Apr 2014] Dr. Cui present our gastric cancer genome study at the American Association of Caner Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2014, San Diego, US
- [Mar 2014] Dr. Cui presented her talk “Omics driven cancer research” in the Nutrigenomics seminar, UNL
- [Jan 2014] Dr. Cui received the Courtesy Assistant Professor appointment from the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at UNMC
- [Jan 2014] Jiang Shu joined SBBI as the first Ph.D. student. Welcome Jiang!
- [Dec 2013] Dr. Cui was invited to speak on “Genome and metabolic studies in gastric cancer” in UNMC
- [Nov 2013] Dr. Cui was invited to serve on the editorial board of JSM Computer Science & Engineering .
- [Oct 2013] Dr. Cui received the Courtesy Assistant Professor appointment from the School of Biological Science, UNL
- [Sep 2013] Kevin Chiang joined SBBI as the first graduate student. Welcome Kevin!
- [Sep 2013] Dr. Cui gave a talk on “From Diagnostic Biomarker Discovery to Molecular Mechanism Study: a bioinformatics approach to gastric cancer research” in the School of Biological science, UNL